

Deviation Actions

yinyangswings's avatar

Literature Text

There was a broken pipe somewhere, constantly dripping. She had been keeping track of the numbers of drips that fell.


"You know if you just tell us our answers, we'll let you go." Moria heard, and slowly looked up glaring at the Deatheater. She couldn't really do anything but glare. She didn't have her wand; they had wards up that stopped her from both transforming into her animagus and from apparating. She was defenseless.

"That's a load of crap." Moria retorted. The Deatheater withdrew a knife brandishing it against her cheek, pressing it just hard enough to draw blood that pooled at onto the knife and dripped down her cheek.

"Don't be fooled by the…treatment…you received the past two days Moria." He said, his voice dropping to a whisper. "We will break you. Shatter you into tiny pieces. And you WILL talk." He said, withdrawing the blade. She merely was silent before looking at him dead into the sockets of his mask.

"Don't be so sure of that."


Sirius grumbled slightly as he began to unlock the door. He was exhausted. Completely exhausted. Two days' worth of raids had him drained. He was never going to hear the end of this from Moria…and frankly he didn't really blame-! His train of thought broke as he stumbled on a slick surface and looked down to see a stack of mail on the floor. Odd. Moria normally would grab the mail that came from muggles when she got off of work.

"Moria?" he called out and to his surprise, no answer came. He checked his watch, frowning. She was normally home by then, unless she doing a nightshift…and she hadn't complained about a nightshift two days ago. Something clicked in him and he bent down, picking up the mail, leafing through it. The last piece of mail was from two days ago. Now worry began to set in. Moria was picky about leaving mail around the flat…she wouldn't have left the mail there for two days.

"Moria?" He called out again, expecting a grumble or something that she was there and had just ignored his first call. But as the first no response came. "Where the bloody hell is she?" he mumbled, looking at the clock. He sighed and due to his extreme exhaustion went to the telephone.

He stood there as the phone rang, before a click was heard.


"Hi Chels." He greeted.

"Oh hi, Sirius. What's up?" He heard her say and did an eye roll. How could a woman who was so snarky in real life, sound so innocent and sweet on the phone he would never know.

"Hi…I was just wondering if you had seen Moria." He said. Out of everyone, even Lily, Chelsea would know if she was doing something because of work to work. There was a brief pause.

"…She's not there?" Chelsea asked and for Sirius, time just stopped.

"No…why?" Sirius asked, barely keeping the slowly rising panic out of his voice.

"Well she hasn't been at work for two days, and two days ago she nearly fainted while filing and I told her to go home. The boss is pretty pissed, but we all just chalked it up to her not feeling good. You sure she isn't there?" Chelsea asked and he could hear growing concern etched in her voice. He swallowed, his panic now completely filling him.

"No. No she's not. Look, call Lily and Alice and ask if they've seen her. I'm going out to go look for her." He said quickly and hung up, not even bothering to say goodbye before rushing out of the flat again.


Moria shifted, her body aching in places she didn't know could ache. She had lost feeling in her hands and upper arms days ago, and every time she moved them it felt as though she was being cut, the tingling sensation vibrating down her arms. They had let her arms down every now and then, whether it was out of the goodness of their hearts or merely because they enjoyed watching the discomfort of her having to wake up her arms and then lose feeling again, she wasn't sure. She was going with the latter of the two. Her stomach grumbled loudly in protest, wishing for some type of nourishment. Now she wished she had had a good meal before all this...right then she was just having what they literally forced down her throat. She was surprised that they hadn't even tried to get her to use Veritaserum or put her under the Imperious Curse. Maybe they didn't really care, just enjoyed watching a grown woman suffering.


She thought it had been a week at least…maybe later. She was exhausted, but could barely sleep because she was standing. She wondered if Sirius was out looking for her. Though it confused her as to why he would have sent that note. She just had to hope and wait…and most likely pray that someone would find her.

"Such a down face." A voice commented and her head shot up, her eyes widening at the recognition. "Ah…I see you recognize me…then there's no reason to wear this now…is there?" the man continued, pulling off his mask. Moria shook her head slowly.

"You…but you're…"

"Dead?" Dane Chamberlain finished, a satisfied smile etched on his face, as he cupped her cheek, pinching her chin so she couldn't jerk free. "Not really…though it was half true. My parents did die in the blaze. But you see…the body they found was that of a drifter that I killed. People can be fooled so easily."

"You…you monster." She spat out. He chuckled, moving closer to her. His breath warmed her cheek and she jerked, trying to free herself. The chains rattled as she yanked against her arms, ignoring the pain this time.

"Tsk, tsk. I told those idiots that you wouldn't break so easily. Now look at you." He stated. She glared at him angrily, causing him to chuckle. "You see? You have become so polite…I mean you even stood when I entered."

"It's not by choice." She growled out he tsked again.

"Such bad manners. Didn't your Mum teach it was polite to greet old friends?"

"You AREN'T my friend." She growled out.

"I'm not? Well that's quite rude. We had so many memories together in Hogwarts…" he stated and she felt his grip tighten on her chin. "That is until you attacked me with no cause."

"No cause!? You tried to rape and kill me, you bastard!" She hissed out, growling. Dane chuckled as though it had been a joke.

"Yes. Yes. Because of you I now only have one eye. You always were a fighter." He said, pushing a bang behind her ear. "Maybe that's why you're so attractive." He stated offhandedly, gliding a finger over the scratch across her cheek, opening it slightly to collect some blood. She snarled angrily, backing as far away as she could, and watched in disgust as he licked the blood off of his fingers.

"You know…you're quite pretty for halfblood. Especially in red."

"Go to hell." She growled out. He frowned and gripped her chin again, forcing her to look at him.

"If you're a good girl and tell us what we want to know, you can join us. You'll be safe with me. I would definitely find use for you." He said looking at her bloodied face, with a look at made Moria want to puke. She was silent.

"You know what…you're all the same." She finally said and he frowned. "Majority of men think with the same thing." She added.

"And that would be?" he asked.

"This." She said and then swung her leg up in-between his legs. She watched satisfied as he doubled over in pain. He snarled and swung his hand across her face, smacking her hard enough to taste blood. She yelped.

"You…are going to regret that."

"Like. I. Said. Go. Rot. In. Hell." She hissed out as he gripped her head. He snarled and flicked his wand out. Within seconds he had pulled the chain off of the beam that was supporting her. She fell to the ground with a loud grunt, before the wind was knocked out of her as Dane slammed his foot into her back, gripping the top of her head and forcing her head up.

"I am going to make you beg for mercy you ungrateful little bitch." He growled out and despite the situation she was in, she let a low laugh out.

"I don't beg." She replied, glaring at him. He cursed and shoved her head to the ground, pressing it there. She squirmed, trying to free herself, but stilled when she felt his wand press to her head. She heard him say something to another and soon after footsteps of another individual entered the fray. That other individual took Chamberlain's place and pressed her down onto the ground, holding her there as Dane wrenched her left arm up. She grunted, trying to move away, but grip held firm as he placed his foot onto her head, driving her cheek into the hard cement.

She saw a red glow coming from where Dane was and suddenly pain tore through her body, surging from her left forearm. She let out a loud scream of agony, which echoed and bounced sickeningly against the walls. She heard Dane laughing as though it was hilarious. She thrashed about as best she could, but it was only causing her more pain and Dane wasn't slowing down as he carved whatever spell he was using into her arm, sliding it up towards her shoulder, etching patterns into it as though he was drawing random scribbles. Tears brimmed in the corners her eyes, but she refused them to be shed.

"That's right, bitch, I own you. I can do whatever I want with you, whenever I want!" Dane announced maniacally. "And you will BEG for me to stop, or this is going to continue!" he roared. But for the next hour or so, he didn't get his way.

Moria screamed, she cursed, and she fought in vain.

But she didn't beg.

Finally satisfied with the damage, Dane and his accomplice shoved her away as though she was a piece of filth and meandered away, laughing and joking as though they were drunk. Moria lay on the ground, completely still. Her eyes were glazed over, staring at the nearby wall, her body completely limp. Then slowly she moved, whimpering quietly as she finally managed to lay on her right side. Shaking, she moved her right hand to her left shoulder as though to try an inspect it. The moment she touched it, however, it was as though someone poked her with a fire-hot piece of metal and her vision flashed in white and she let out a strangled yelp.

Soon after the tears that she had managed to hold back, fell like lead weights down her face and she let out a sob, before welcoming the darkness and lost consciousness, the only sound to comfort her was the sound of the dripping pipe.


Sirius swallowed angrily. A week. It had been an entire week since he had found out Moria had disappeared. Was she alright? Was she safe?

Was she even alive?

No she had to be. She couldn't have died…he would have felt it. They had tried everything. They had tried to use that spell that healers used, but Chelsea couldn't get a lock on her. That meant one of three things:

Moria was unconscious.

There was a barrier where Moria was and it forced Chelsea from not getting a lock on her.

Or that Moria was dead.

But she couldn't be dead…she wouldn't have died that easily. Or at least that's what Sirius prayed. They hadn't found her possessions yet either, which raised some hope. If Moria had her wand…she could defend herself. Or at least defend herself long enough till Sirius found her.

"Babe…hang on. I'll find you." He thought, as though she could hear him. James glanced at his friend, noting the ever growing bags under Sirius's eyes. Everyone in the Order knew what Sirius was doing now after every mission…nearly every night. He was out on the streets, trying to find Moria, where she was, who had her. He looked exhausted and, unknown to everyone—except maybe James and Remus—wasn't sleeping regularly. He couldn't. His dreams had become nightmares of what could be happening to her, what some bastard could be doing to her. If he found one hair out of place on her head, one bruise on her, one scratch, there would be hell to pay.

He sighed, rubbing his face trying to get those emotions under control. "Sirius." A voice quietly asked, and his head shot up, locking eyes with Dumbledore. Just one glance and he knew…something was up. He stood and followed the Headmaster, his friends seeming to not notice his departure. Sirius followed the aged wizard to a separate room.

"What? Have you got any news about Moria?"

"Sirius…" Dumbledore began to say but the rest drifted off as Sirius glanced down at the nearby table and felt his heart plummet, his body freeze and feel like it had just been hit by a double-decker bus. A knapsack lay on the top of the table, placed there in an almost mocking fashion. A wand lay next to it as though it had been thrown onto it without a second thought.

He recognized the knapsack.

He recognized the wand.


"No…" he whispered out, his voice now hoarse as though he had been yelling for hours. "No...please...NO!" He hoarsely cried out.

"It seemed that she fought against Deatheaters…why she was by herself, no one knows…" Dumbledore stated quietly, as Sirius stared at the table, shaking his head, repeating 'no' over and over again as he felt his world collapse into bleak darkness. He slid to his knees, not even caring that he was now crying as he looked at the two objects that Moria would never leave the flat, or go anywhere without.

And slowly felt his heart shatter and tear into pieces.

Dumbledore watched as James and Remus managed to drag Sirius away, Lily clutching the two items as tears slid down her face. He watched them apparate away. Around the same time, he heard a similar pop behind him. He did not raise his wand, instead turned, looking at the figure shrouded in the shadows.

"Have you brought news?"

"May I ask something first, Headmaster?"

"You certainly may."

"Why did you inform Black of Prescott's supposed death? I have not yet discovered whether or not she is truly gone."

"Because, while he is loyal to the Potters…he is also loyal to Moria, and when it involves Moria, he can become extremely reckless." Dumbledore replied calmly, ignoring the snort coming from the other figure. "He would do anything to keep her safe…and I want to ensure that that need does not override his duties to his other friends. Now onto other news…have you discovered anything about her whereabouts?"

"Perhaps…just rumors circulating. I will be in contact soon."

"Very well."


Moria slowly awoke. She moved her hands, wincing as pain coursed through her left arm. They had left her on the ground where Chamberlain had left her. No one really came in now…apparently Chamberlain had been given the 'privilege' of being her only interrogator. She grunted as she tried to sit up again, but the moment she put weight on her left arm, pain spasmed through, sending a shockwave through her system and causing her to collapse again, panting hard. She was cold, her clothes offered no warmth, as they were torn badly, and blood speckled her clothes. Her shoes had been taken and discarded, so they could throw glass bottles on the ground and then force her to walk on the shattered glass, leaving her feet bleeding and scarred. Her mind was fuzzy and barely holding consciousness. She dimly became aware of humming and she felt nausea roll in.

"Ah, and how is my lovely pet today?"

"Fuck…off…" She murmured. She inhaled sharply when took a step and pressed a boot into her shoulder, and pulled her up by her hair.

"Now, now…didn't I tell you that if I heard one more profanity from you, I'd have to rip that pretty little tongue of yours out?" He asked, his voice smooth. She clenched her jaw. "Good girl." He stated removing his foot, to her relief, before slamming his fist into her face. She fell back to the ground, listening to him chortle.

"Oh such a pretty sight. The lovely Ice Queen of Gryffindor, finally where she…belongs…" He trailed off, and Moria blinked in confusion, staring at his feet. Had someone walked in, and he hadn't wanted them. Then he bent over her. She tried to look over her shoulder to see what he was doing when she heard a tearing in her shirt. She squirmed, only to earn him smashing her face into the cement, pinning her to the ground. Her heartbeat skyrocketed.

"My, my…what do we have here?" He asked. She growled.

"Get…off…" She snarled.

"Call me Master, and I will."

"Never." She growled. She heard him chuckle and then her breath froze as he shifted.

And slid his finger down one of her pale scars.

"How did you get these scars, Pet?" He breathed and she tried to wiggle out of his grip.

"Stop!" She pleaded, her eyes clenched tight as she tried to get free. He smiled in realization.

"Oh…I see…don't like it when I touch these, do you? Was Black the only one who was allowed to?" He asked, clicking his tongue to the back of his teeth in satisfaction. "Such a secret my little pet has been hiding from her master."


"Oh I don't think I will Pet…this is much too enjoyable." He explained as he ran his thumb down each of her scars, enjoying the trembling he could feel. "Besides, you haven't said the magic word yet. Say it and I'll stop. Don't and well…" He trailed off and she felt him did his finger harder into her scarred skin. She clenched her eyes shut, shaking and feeling so close to vomiting.

"Master…" she whispered, barely audible. He paused in his undertaking, almost surprised that she had submitted. She was staring at the ground, the feeling of bile slowly crawling up her throat. He gripped her chin and looked at her.

"Say that again…"

"…Master…" She murmured, her lips barely moving. He stared at her in surprise and then a smile stretched across his face.

She wanted to puke.

"Very good Pet. Just what someone like you should say to their owner." He explained. She looked down and heard him chuckle. He bent over to her ear.

"Soon you'll enjoy saying that." He soothed and her eyes opened wide as she felt his tongue slide over her ear. "Trust me Pet."

He then released her and watched as she slid back to the ground, her eyes vacant. She listened as his footsteps echoed away, before her sobs dragged their way up her throat and tore loose, and tears slid down her face as she curled up. The cracks were starting to grow larger and longer…and it was growing harder and harder to stay in control.

Sirius…Sirius…where was he?

:evillaugh: again. And it's been changed...somewhat~...>D
© 2013 - 2024 yinyangswings
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frytka's avatar

The idea of counting shows how time flies... Well done...

It's well described with all the emotions and feelings... Whatever hard it is bravo.